Can Business Analysts Transition to Business Intelligence Consulting?

Can business analysts transition to business intelligence consulting? Discover how proper training and certification can enable this transition. Learn about the key differences between the roles and the essential skills needed, including business analytics, dashboarding, and business intelligence software

The answer to the question, “Can business analysts become business intelligence consultants?” is yes, assuming proper business intelligence training and certification.

While business analysts and business intelligence consultants share some similarities, the two roles have distinct differences in their responsibilities and required skills. Professionals looking to transition to business intelligence consulting should focus on developing skills in business analytics, dashboarding, and business intelligence software, as well as strong communication and presentation skills.

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Last week I suggested that the role of data scientist may be best played by a team.

Given the scarcity of these superhumans, it makes far more sense to fill the role., if required, with a blend of roles.

Many of the Data Science skills identified – statistician, SQL programmer, JAVA programmer etc – can be found in existing positions. With big data driving demand, it may be necessary to supplement these skills with specialist skills in new technologies such as Hadoop.

However, early adopters of big data technologies, such as Cardinal Health, are discovering that the biggest driver of big data value comes from those internal people who understand the relationship between data and the business.

According to Cardinal Health’s, Neeraj Kumar – quoted on“Innovation does not happen via consultants. It happens when you have skin in the game, when you have people working with [the data] who understand the business and understand the problems.”

In most businesses, these people already exist – they are called business analysts.

Business analysts play a key bridging role between business and IT, precisely the area where data management tends to play.

As data becomes increasingly important in business, the role of business analysts has evolved to meet the growing demand for data-driven insights. While business analysts focus on analyzing data to support business decisions, business intelligence consultants focus on developing strategies to use data effectively to improve business performance. So, can business analysts make the transition to business intelligence consulting?

What is a Business Analyst?

A business analyst is responsible for analyzing business operations, identifying problems, and proposing solutions.

Business analysts use data analysis and modelling tools to support decision-making, create reports and dashboards, and track key performance indicators. They collaborate with stakeholders to understand their requirements and communicate the findings to the relevant departments.

However, the best business analysts are not (particularly) technical – even simple programming may well be beyond them, let alone the complexities of SQL, JAVA, Python and other big data paradigms. Rather, their value lies in their business knowledge.

What is a Business Intelligence Consultant?

Business intelligence consultants design and implement data analysis strategies that help organizations improve their performance. They analyze data, develop reports, and create dashboards to help businesses understand their operations and make informed decisions. They use a variety of tools, including data warehousing, data mining, and business intelligence software, to gather and analyze data from different sources.

Differences between Business Analysts and Business Intelligence Consultants

While both business analysts and business intelligence consultants work with data to support decision-making, there are several key differences between these two roles. Business analysts focus on analyzing data and providing insights to support business decisions. They typically work within specific departments, such as finance or marketing, and collaborate with stakeholders to understand their requirements. In contrast, business intelligence consultants design and implement strategies to help businesses use data effectively to improve performance. They work across different departments and use a variety of tools to gather, analyze, and present data.

Skills Required for a Transition from Business Analyst to Business Intelligence Consultant

To make the transition from business analyst to business intelligence consultant, professionals must develop a new set of skills. In addition to data analysis and modelling, business intelligence consultants must be proficient in business analytics, dasboarding, and business intelligence software. They must also have strong communication and presentation skills to communicate their findings effectively to stakeholders. Other key skills include project management, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

I suggest that business analysts can be empowered to help drive informed data analytics discussions if supported by training in data analytics fundamentals.

A data-aware business analyst is far more valuable and sexy than a technically inclined data scientist.

Have you enabled your business analysts to be data aware?

Ready to take the first step towards becoming a Business Intelligence (BI) consultant? We provide a detailed roadmap of steps to becoming a BI consultant. From developing your technical skills to building your professional network, we cover everything you need to know to succeed in this exciting field. 

Effective communication is essential for any successful business. But what is a data translator, and how can they help improve communication around data? We explore the role of data translators in modern organizations. Learn how they help bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders and discover why they are essential for any data-driven business. 

Responses to “Can Business Analysts Transition to Business Intelligence Consulting?”

  1. Find the hidden easter eggs in your data | Data Quality Matters

    […] How sexy are your business analysts? I discussed how business knowledge, not technical skills, are the most critical success factor for […]

  2. Data scientists must see the story behind the data. | Data Quality Matters

    […] struggling to reap the benefits that big data promises. In Data Science Lies, Sex and Videotape and How sexy are your business analysts? I suggested that big data analytics will fail to excite mainstream support until your existing […]

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